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Tb12 Diet Diary: For A Week, We Ate Like Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady, 43

It was strange to watch Tom Brady win the seventh Super Bowl title. This was his first victory outside of New England. Although I will always be grateful to Brady for his contributions to a dynasty it is still difficult to see an ex succeed. The expert will recommended the best ED treatment options for men with diabetes that will eliminate this condition. The following are some of the best medicine: Vidalista 80 and Vidalista 20

Brady is 43 years old and still doing it. Since one of my strongest personality characteristics is my ability to punish myself at every opportunity, CBS Sports bosses thought it would be a great idea for me to accept this personal crisis. How better to prepare for the unpleasant experience of watching Brady in Super Bowl LV then to live the TB12 lifestyle for a week before the game?

TB12, Brady's lifestyle brand, is based on his way of living. This has enabled him to achieve an unmatched level of success at the NFL level. The Brady method includes exercise, nutrition, and expensive pajamas. This experiment will focus on diet and pliability. I will be documenting my experiences as I go. Cenforce 100mg can be used for men's health.

For the record, I lived a fairly normal lifestyle before the global economic crisis. I used to exercise regularly, eat healthy food and make an effort to take care of my body. My brand has become a lot of cheap beer, frozen pizza and cigarettes over the past year. My bosses might have been trying to disguise this project as a work assignment. Here are the details.

These Guidelines

You're likely to have heard of Tom Brady's bizarre diet. It seems that his list of foods he won't eat or can't eat is longer than his list of food he will eat. Here's a peek at Brady's crazy chef.

"No white sugar. No white flour. No MSG. I will use olive oil in cooking, but not with olive oil. Coconut oil is all I use for cooking. Trans fats can be made from oils like canola oil.

Nightshades are not good for you, so Tom doesn't like them. No tomatoes, peppers or mushrooms and no eggplants. Sometimes, there are a few tomatoes that do come in, but they only happen once per month. Tomatoes are a concern to me. They can cause inflammation.

You need more? No coffee. No caffeine. No fungus. No dairy.

The children eat fruit. Tom is not so keen. He will eat bananas in smoothies. He will eat bananas in a smoothie, but he won't eat fruit.

It's safe for me to say that I didn't follow Brady’s diet as closely as the quarterback -- I would rather have turned down the assignment and been unemployed. But I did follow the loose guidelines provided by the TB12 site. Here are the basics of the rules:

80 percent fruits, vegetables, whole grain, nuts, seeds and legumes

high protein foods

Eat until you're 75% full

No nightshades or dairy

Half your body weight in lbs and drink 70 ounces daily.

Maximum 2 cups of coffee. No caffeine after noon

Within 3 hours of getting to bed, no food

Day 1

This was a major change to my normal lifestyle, so I had a quick grocery trip to make. My local Trader Joe's was the best place to get a lot organic meats and veggies, so I went to Stop & Shop.

As we're already at an impasse, I decided yogurt and granola would be a great way to make the seeds and nuts bearable. It turns out that I am an idiot who forgot yogurt is dairy and that granola contains a lot of sugar. This is so gross! I decided to try "green juice" because it looked healthy food and something I would be doing while on this diet. It tastes like rainwater collected in a bag of yard waste. I won't be drinking it again.

For dinner, I had a large portion of chicken in coconut oil. There was also some spinach, carrots, and cucumbers. It wasn't exciting, but it was actually quite solid. The problem is that I was hungry again. This is because you are not allowed to eat within three hours after going to bed. To quell my hunger, I had some almonds and celery as a late-night "treat". If you feel guilty about eating celery or almonds, then your life is pretty miserable.

This is a lot of water to drink. I can't stop peeing.

Day 2

Ok, okay... I had a banana for breakfast, and then skipped lunch completely because I didn't want any of this unhealthy crap. This is how diets work. It seems that I am on my way to lose weight fast in one way or the other.

I am still suffering from the water thing. Although I knew I didn't drink enough water over the course of a day I still feel like I am drowning in water. I feel bloated, and like I could be popped like an inflatable water balloon.

Finally, I was hungry enough to make another of these dinners. I had seasoned chicken again and a boatload of veggies. I ate way too many vegetables. This is how ridiculous it looks!

Yes, that whole eating until you feel full thing... might have been a bit too much. I also dropped several carrots onto the ground while removing them from the fridge. Yes, I did cheat and ate two pieces of chocolate last night. This is totally off-the-rails.

For the sake of transparency, I am farting. It is a lot. It is very concerning.

Day 3

Today, my bodily functions seem to be under control. This is a pleasant surprise! My meals are still very boring. I had an avocado and a banana for lunch and chicken, green beans, and corn for dinner. To see if my body was better equipped to deal with it after two days, I tried the green tea again. It didn't work. It still tastes like swamp soup.

Three days in, I have officially reached the point where I may turn in a family member to the police. Add fries to the mix and I may admit to crimes that I didn't do.

It is hard to find the time to eat and drink while watching sports at night. To keep myself from grabbing a stash of late-night healthy keto snacks, I settled for chewing on ice cubes last night.

Overall, however, I feel quite decent, despite the frustration that comes with not being allowed to do what the hell the hell and when I want. It feels somewhat satisfying to have managed to get through a day without violating any rules. However, I am already daydreaming about all the chaos I will unleash upon my body after this experiment is done.

Day 4

At least I am starting to put together my meals. I ate breakfast for the first time since I started the diet -- three eggs medium, spinach, and a little hot-sauce (I don't know if hot sauce is allowed). You can ignore what I said. I felt pretty good until Steven Cheah, a Barstool Sports employee and Buccaneers fan, decided to tag me in a better version of a similar meal. Steven, go away.

But I persevered. I managed to get around lunch by using celery sticks and hummus. It worked better than I expected. You guessed it, dinner consisted of... More chicken and more vegetables. We added a little lemon to the chicken and served it with sweet potatoes, kale and corn.

I promise not to talk about my farts again, but they have returned with avengeance. As a trusted journalist and ethical journalist, I must report the facts.

It's not surprising that keto diet and men's health take time to achieve meaningful results. However, I have lost 1.6 pounds between Monday and Friday. This could be due to the fact that I have consumed so many calories while screaming at the TV whenever a fast-food commercial plays.

We are now at an important point in the trial. Although alcohol is not explicitly banned on the TB12 diet, experts don't recommend that I continue my weekend habit of drinking seven to eight beers while playing video games. I will try my best to live a healthy lifestyle, at least in terms of what I put into my body. I will have to take the video games out of my dead, skinny hands.

Day 5

The weekend presents some challenges, as expected. I made it through Friday without any problems. Breakfast, eggs, and avocado were all eaten before lunch. Then I had to eat my chicken and quinoa with black beans in a bowl. It was really delicious, so please don't judge the presentation or my hitchhiker.

Do I feel embarrassed by the lack of color in this meal? Yeah, maybe. Did I make it too easy to throw in some avocado or spinach to give it some life? Yes, I was.

After several hours of almost no progress on my puzzle, I decided to watch a movie instead. Reflexively, I felt compelled to eat the Trader Joe's popcorn from the movie theater. But somehow, I managed to resist. Are you a hero? Many are asking this question. The movie I saw was "The Little Things" (HBO Max). It was not memorable.

Day 6

Today was relatively simple. It was a good breakfast of eggs, avocado, and black coffee. However, it made me realize that avocados are still not something I really like. They're considered a poor food, an overrated topping/ingredient and make me shiver. This is why I decided to tweet it:

It's not surprising that this got under the skin of some people. My mentions were flooded by avocado meme accounts and Avocado Defenders, which helped me to distract from my hunger during lunch. Although dinner was not very interesting, I had chicken, quinoa, and green beans. But I am rewarded for driving past a McDonald's on the way back and not stopping to think about it. I am the strongest person alive.

However, I did consume a lot of beer while playing videogames all night. Whoops.

Day 7

We made it! The diet journey is over and I have lived to tell the story. (If you need some help imagining me, Andy Dufresne can be seen standing in the rain after climbing through a sewer pipe in "The Shawshank Redemption"). Although it wasn't easy or fun, it wasn't as painful as I expected. This lifestyle allows you to eat quite well.

I would love to offer you a grand take-out after all this. But, I don't have any.

I felt really gassy

Drinking so much water almost made me drown

It was only for one week and some diets require more commitment. However, while I don't think I can win six Super Bowls, maybe I could if I continued to push myself a bit more?

As you might have noticed, I wasn't very creative in the creation of the meals. This is partly because I'm an idiot and can manage to cook a meal every time, but also because I knew this was not my way of life.

On Sunday, I decided to give up chicken and instead bring in steak tips. I added some rosemary and pink Himalayan sea salt to the steak tips and paired it with green beans, carrots and other vegetables. Although not flashy, it is a reliable and consistent player.

You can keep your supermodel wife, rings and millions of dollars. If I was not allowed to eat a whole pizza or smash a cheeseburger in my face, none of this would make me happy. You know how happy I will be to eat chips while I watch a football game? This is the moment I have been waiting for. my entire life One whole week.

Let's not forget to mention that I gained 1 pound during this diet. It was a success.