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How Does Fibromyalgia Affect The Body?

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is characterized by the most common symptoms.

All over the body, there is fibromyalgia pain and stiffness

Tiredness and fatigue

Anxiety and depression

Sleep problems

Problem with concentration, memory, thinking and thinking

Headaches and migraines

You may also experience the following symptoms:

Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet

TMJ (temporomandibular Joint Syndrome) is a term that describes pain in the jaw or face.

Digestive issues, including abdominal pain, bloating and constipation (also known under IBS), can lead to digestive problems. Artvigil 150 medicine helps in the reduction of excessive sleepiness caused by sleep disorder.

What Are The Risk Factors Of Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

Some Of The Most Common Risk Factors Are:

Age. Fibromyalgia may affect anyone of any age, even children. Most people get diagnosed in middle age. Fibromyalgia is more common as you age. Modafresh 200 medicine can increase memory retention and make you feel more alert and awake.

Rheumatoid arthritis (Lupus) or Lupus. Fibromyalgia is more common in those with lupus (RA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Other factors may also be associated with fibromyalgia onset, although this is still a weak link. More research is needed to confirm their existence. These risk factors could include:


Events that are stressful or traumatic, like car accidents, post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and other such events.

Repetitive injuries. Repetitive stress injury to a joint. For example, frequent knee bending.

Illness (e.g. viral infections)

Family history


How Can Fibromyalgia Be Treated?

Fibromyalgia is usually diagnosed by doctors using the patient's history and physical examination.

Aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening

Classes for patient education, typically in primary care settings or in the community

Meditation, yoga, and massage are all stress management methods.

To improve your sleep quality, you should have good sleep habits.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), is a treatment for underlying depression. CBT is a form of talk therapy that aims to change how people think and act.

People can manage their fibromyalgia without the need for medical treatment. They can also use the self-management strategies below to help them with their pain and disability so that they can continue to do the things that are important to them.

What Are The Complications Of Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia may cause disability and pain. It can also lead to a reduced quality of life. Fibromyalgia can cause complications in the United States.

There are more hospitalizations. Fibromyalgia patients are twice as likely as those without it to be admitted.

Low quality of life. Fibromyalgia can cause women to have a lower quality life.

Major depression is more common in those with fibromyalgia. Major depression is more common in adults with fibromyalgia than in those without. It is crucial to screen for and treat depression.

Suicide and injury death rates are higher. Patients with fibromyalgia treatment have higher suicide and injury rates, but overall mortality is comparable to that of the general population.

Higher rates of other rheumatic diseases. Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by other forms of arthritis like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid.

What Can I Do To Improve My Quality Life?

Be physically active. Experts recommend adults to be moderately active for 150 minutes each week. For five days per week, walk, bike, or swim 30 minutes each day. You can break down these 30 minutes into three 10-minute sessions throughout the day. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Find out more about exercise for arthritis. You can either exercise on your own, or you can join a CDC-recommended program.

Visit the recommended physical activity programs. Participants in the following programs can safely exercise. They have been shown to reduce pain and disability due to arthritis, improve mood and allow for movement. Classes are held at your local Y, park, or community center. These classes will help you feel better. Find out more about recommended physical activities .

Join a self-management education class, which helps people with arthritis or other conditions--including fibromyalgia--be more confident in how to control their symptoms, how to live well and understand how the condition affects their lives. Find out more about the self management education programs recommended by the CDC.