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9 Things You Should Know About Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects half of men over 40.

There are many tests that can help diagnose ED.

However, most cases can only be assessed during a consultation with a specialist.

The two questions you should ask the specialist are: "How is your sexual coexistence?"

Is everything working well ?"

Ten Things You Might Be Astonished To Learn About Ed

There are many treatment options. Oral PDE-5 inhibitors are the most common.

They are expensive brand-name medications, which include Vilitra 20 or Vilitra

1. What Are The Fundamental Differences Between The Ed Prescriptions

How fast they work and how long they stay in your system.

Viagra and Levitra have half-existence times of approximately 4 hours each, while Cialis takes 17.5 hours.

kamagra 100 and malegra 200 don't fill up when taken with high-fat foods.

Cialis doesn't react to fat admission.

Standard is a slower starting drug than Viagra and Levitra, and has a shorter duration.

2. How Do I Know If Vascular Harm Is The Reason I Have Been Cured?

A referral to a urologist is required.

This sounds terrible, but it is possible to make this conclusion by infusing prostaglandin E1 or Caverject into one of the corpora.

The corpora cavernosa is a trio of expandable erectile tissues that run along the length of the penis.

They are responsible for supplying blood to the erection.

An erection should take less than a minute if the vasculature appears normal.

If an erection occurs (indicating that you haven't suffered from vascular damage), then penile infusions may be an option.

3 What Medications Could Cause Ed?

A secondary prescription effect is responsible for one in five cases of ED.

These are easy to find. These are the most well-known wrongdoers.


NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, Motrin).

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There are some circulatory strain medications, but not all.

Beta-blockers (metoprolol (carvedilol), atenolol (HCTZ), and diuretics(HCTZ) can contrarily affect erectile ability, while calcium channel blockers, AC

E inhibitors, and calcium channel blockers appear to have unbiased effects.

Losartan (valsartan), irbesartan span) have had a positive impact on erectile ability.

Propecia (finasteride) for balding.

Antiepileptics: Phenytoin and Carbamazepine more than any other.

Neuroleptics are antipsychotic prescriptions used in the treatment and prevention of dysfunctional behavior.

Proton siphon inhibitors (omeprazole and pantoprazole) for acid reflux or GERD.

4. Is Everything In My Mind?

Despite what the majority think, "unadulterated, psychogenic ED" is the most realistic type of ED.

It is a rare form of ED.

Some hints include the presence of strong evening and morning erections, as well as typical findings on any remaining tests.

Side note: ED is a common condition in men who are extremely discouraged.

5. Let's Say I Have Both A Natural And A Psychogenic Reason.

A psychogenic part can also be an option for men who have ED.

This information is intended to help you understand the different types of erections.

6. Vascular Illness Is The Most Well-Known Cause Of Death In Men Over 50.

This includes coronary course sickness/respiratory dysfunction, fringe vascular infections, and hypertension.

The vessels can also be damaged by radiation therapy for prostate disease.

7. What Are Other "Natural" Reasons For Ed Normal?

Other than vascular causes there are neurogenic causes (connected to the sensory system), Peyronie’s sickness, incidental medication effects an-

d endocrinologic reasons (low testosterone).

8. If I Have Heart Problems, Can I Take Ed Drugs?

You haven't had a heart attack, cardiovascular failure or chest pain in the past 6 to 2 months.

For those with healthy hearts, however, some examinations of Viagra and Cialis' heart effects have shown that there is no increased risk of develop

-ing cardiovascular problems as a result of fake treatment.

9. Exercise

To further develop ED in patients with vascular sickness or ED.

It has been shown that stretch and continuous oxygen-consuming preparation can be used.