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How To Control Your Blood Pressure

The body is always communicating with us. Although we may not be listening, the body is always communicating with us about its health, what it's doing, and how it responds to our actions. Your intestine will show signs of distress when you consume dairy products, such as cramping, bloating, and other symptoms. These symptoms can be linked to foods reduce to blood pressure such as cheese, gluten and strawberries eggs, or any other food that causes intolerances or allergies. If you drink too much alcohol, your next day's hangover could be a powerful communication that will make it difficult to drink again. Sometimes a sudden burst or energy, or just a sense of peace can signal that you are on the right path and doing what your body needs. I can think of things like a hot tub, a vigorous workout, or playing with puppies and babies. You can also tackle ED problems in men with increased libido. For ED treatment, you can also choose  Nizagara 100mg and Fildena 100

Although digestion, immunity and skin are all extremely sensitive to their environment, the heart and circulatory systems are the most responsive parts of the body. It's encouraging to know that approximately one in three Americans has some type of circulatory problem. We can recognize our role in our vascular health problems and address them . This can be done without the use of diagnostic devices, drugs, or doctors and all side effects.

Hypertension is a sign of cardiovascular disease. It's a serious issue. Hypertension is the most significant contributor to the global burden of all diseases, according to an infographic published by New Scientist Magazine on January 12, 2013. High blood pressure is a great example of how we can participate in our own health and the challenges that face us. This is a source of endless comedy material and is widely acknowledged for its association to stressful situations. Although everyone seems to know that stress and hypertension go hand-in-hand, most hypertensives don't mind accepting the "essential" diagnosis of hypertension (i.e. hypertension due to meaning caused by an "unknown" factor and pharmacological antihypertensive, which are some of the most toxic prescription medications.

Stress is the root cause of hypertension. The body considers hypertension a stress factor. A lack of oxygen in the blood is a condition known as hypoxia. When blood pressure reaches a critical level, blood vessels undergo changes that cause blood to reroute. These changes, which are caused by the intelligent shunting of blood vessels and the strategic opening and closing them, result in an increase of blood pressure. Blood pressure refers to the force that the sanguineous fluid flows through the circulatory system. It is the body's attempt at getting more blood (and oxygen!) to the brain, heart and other vital organs.

Hypoxia can also cause hypertension. Oxygen acts like a buffer by separating red blood cell, keeping them free to flow freely throughout the 50,000-mile long river of blood in our circulatory system. Low blood oxygen can cause blood cells to clump together. Hypertension can be exacerbated by clots that further hinder oxygen delivery to tissues. This is not all. Hypoxia can cause electrical conductivity to be disrupted in the heart. This can lead to various arrhythmias, including the A-fib. Anti-coagulants are a class of medication that pharmacologically makes blood thinner. They are among the most commonly prescribed drugs in America. They include beta blockers that chemically destroy the heart to prevent electrical malfunctioning, and anti-hypertensives that lower blood pressure by poisoning valves, causing them to open like a dam during a tsunami.

BAD NEWS! Circulatory diseases can be serious. They are collectively the most common cause of death and illness in America. You won't get better if you continue to follow the impotent medical model of drugging, electrocuting, and sticking in stents.

GOOD NEWS: You can reduce blood pressure by using simple lifestyle strategies like slow deep breathing and nutritional supplementation. These tools can be used without the need for doctors, pharmacists or insurance companies.